Virtual Films

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Displaying all films in category: Special Interest

F151: Lenticular Imaging: New Experimental Analysis of Capsule Dynamics
F152: Traumatic Cataract and Total Iridodialysis After Blunt Ocular Trauma
F153: Challenges-If Phaco Doesn't Work
F154: Endless Nightmare
F155: Improving Refractive Outcomes of Cataract Surgery: Treating Inside the Capsule with Trypan Blue, With and Without Polishing
F156: Spectroscopic Revelation
F157: Super-Wide-Angle Fundus Camera to Detect Nonmetallic Vitreous Foreign Bodies
F158: Management of Cataract Associated with Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous
F159: Extrusion Cannula-Assisted Levitation of an IOL
F160: Fellowship of the Camera: Every Surgeon's Guide to Videography
F161: Anterior Segment Reconstruction in a Patient with Neovascular Membranes Secondary to Sarcoidosis
F162: Keratic Precipitates After Cataract Surgery
F163: Eye on Emissions: Carbon Footprint of Cataract Surgery in Aravind Eye Hospital
F164: Habitual Eye Rubbing
F165: Triple Procedure
F166: A Little Physics¯ on Intraocular Lens Opacification